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Accepting availability for this year's High Holy Days

  • June 07, 2023 11:54 PM
    Message # 13212386
    Lister Administrator (Administrator)


    It's that time again, and we're accepting information from singers for this year's  Jewish services at Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, etc.  Preference goes to experienced temple singers, as this is a highly competitive field, and most congregations prefer to work with those who have a few seasons under their belt already.  BUT if you haven't done this before and are quite competent as a choral singer (especially in a quartet), you will certainly be considered.

    We will place as many candidates as we can, of course, but there will be more candidates and jobs.  Please fill out the form linked below, and be as specific as possible.  Do attach a choral-focused resume so we can talk you up if the opportunity arises.

    We will also accept availabilities from experienced temple accompanists/organists and conductors.  Those positions are usually filled with a different process, but you never know...

    We look forward to hearing from you!

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